Sectigo S/MIME Certificate - 2 years

Sectigo S/MIME Certificate - 2 years

Regular price 330 SEK
Regular price Sale price 330 SEK
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Buy your S/MIME certificate and open up the possibility to encrypt and sign emails so that no outsider can change or read your secret messages. For those of you who are Mac users, you can have full control that only you can get this functionality.

Using encryption and digital signatures , Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions ( S / MIME ) certificates ensure email security , confidentiality and integrity . The S / MIME certificate uses the recipient's public key to encrypt the message and only the intended recipient's private key can decrypt the message . This allows the sender to be sure that the signed email message will only be read by the intended party and recipient to verify the message 's integrity and purported origin .

Works, among other things, in Outlook, Apple Mail, iPhone and in Evolution (Linux)

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